The Stack | To All The Books I've Read This Year-2018

Let me begin by saying it won't be all of the books that I've read this year. I'm a prolific reader and have read quite a bit this year. I want to focus on the books that stood out to me, the ones that I enjoyed and the ones I anticipated. The list might be a bit long, so I'll not to run on too much about each book. You already know that I'm not the best at reviewing books anyway.

Books That Caught Me By Surprise

The Night Masquerade | Nnedi Okorafor

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed reading this book, more so because I wasn't really expecting to. This is the third and final book in the Binti Series by Nnedi Okorafor. The progression of this story has interesting to say the least. In a general sense I like the whole concept of the series, taking the Himba culture and marrying  it with science fiction produced a story rich with depth and history on a world filled with technology but rooted in tradition.

Archangels Prophecy | Nalini Singh  

If you read my last The Stack post you'll know that this book had me in my feelings. I'm still trying to recover. I just don't understand how the author could do this to me. I'm, at a loss for words. It's a great book, an enjoyable read with an end that leaves you literally pulling out your hair. A good time all around.

Embers | Suzanne Wright

I was very excited to read about Harper and Knox's baby. This was another story that had some nice twists and turns to it. When it all became clear I had no idea and was actually surprised by who the antagonist truly was. I like the story of Knox and Harper and I still want to read more about their baby, maybe I've just got babies on the brain. 

Highly Anticipated

Magic Triumphs | Ilona Andrews

This is the final book in the Kate Daniels Series, it was a little sad to know that it was coming to an end. As always Ilona Andrews delivers a great read, the book has mystery and a wee bit of suspense and a good deal of action. It wasn't a story that I could predict, and while I know that the odds are in Kate's favour, with her being the focus of the series, I didn't know how it would all end, which was nice. It tied up all the strands of the story but didn't leave it on a they lived happily ever after note.

Iron and Magic | Ilona Andrews

If your familiar with the Kate Daniels Series then you're familiar with Hugh, this book gives a bit more insight into who Hugh is and the things that formed and shaped him. I like the female protagonist, and wish that we could have seen a bit more of her powers, though when she she let go, it was with a bang. Funny enough Hugh and Kate end up sharing a common enemy and it isn't Roland as you would think. I look forward to the next book in this series. 

Judgement Road | Christine Feehan

It feels a bit redundant to say this was another book release that I couldn't wait for, but it really was. Reaper is an interesting character, and while I feel that the author sometimes over dramatizes in her writing,you understand who and what Reaper is from all the pain and hurt. Overall I enjoyed the book and I do look forward to the next one, I'm just a bit over how the author tries to cram as much agony and suffering into the characters lives. 

Hot and Badgered | Shelly Laurenston

I couldn't wait until this book came out and I wasn't disappointed. I love honey badgers. I also love the way Shelly Laurenston writes, I'll stop before I get all fan girl on you. I also like honey badgers and bears together, I think they're a great pairing because they're temperaments are so different. Honey badgers dive into the thick of things, while bears analyze and plan. What could go wrong with that combination? After reading this book I'm very interested in reading more about the 3 sisters in this story

Cross Breed | Lora Leigh

I looked forward to reading this book, because so many stories included snippets of Cassie. I wanted to read her story and see her come into her own.There definitely were a few surprises, i would have liked to see more of her after she stepped into her power. I want to see her wield the strength and steel that's been the core of her. Maybe we'll get to see a bit more of that in the next series  

Ocean Light | Nalini Singh

I was so ready to read about Bowen. The last time we saw him, he was hurt and the chances of his survival were unknown. This book along with Silver Silence truly reflect the series name,Trinity Accord. In this book a human and a changeling are paired, in Silver Silence a changeling and Psy was paired, I wonder what pairing the next book will bring. A human and Psy maybe? This book was a good read with a few surprises tossed in.

What have you been reading this year? Are there any books that have stood out?