Black Friday | To Buy or Not To Buy

Deciem  Black Friday Sale

I had big plans for this Black Friday, a lot of indie brands put on some good sales and my intent was to pick up a few items from a few that I’ve had my eyes on. However I’ve had to amend my plans, there will be no black Friday purchases this year. Mainly due to finances, I can’t responsibly afford to make any purchases, and since having debt is not my idea of a good thing, I’ve decided to be a responsible adult and not spend money I don’t have. 

Side note, I should have employed this frame of thought with the Sephora VIB Bonus code, I didn’t and now I’m the proud owner of 3 new eyeshadow palettes and 2 highlighter palettes, yes I said highlighter palettes, because I needed more highlighters.

Another part of why I’m not making any purchases though I want to, is due to shipping. Love Luxe Beauty had a Buy One Get One either free or 50% off depending on the price and I was ready to fill my cart up with surprise some more highlighter palettes and some of their single shadows, however shipping to Canada is something like $25 USD, which is $32.90 CDN when converted, are you kidding me? I could ship it to my aunt’s house in America but then the question becomes when will I get it? 

I mean the truth of the matter is that I will probably end up sending the orders to my aunt’s house anyway. Sidney Grace Co, $25 to ship to Canada, Give Me Glow Cosmetics is around $20 USD to ship to Canada, a lot of the American brands have exorbitant shipping prices, and I get that it’s not necessarily them making the prices up but either way I don’t want to pay that much. If my order is $50 USD, plus $25 USD to ship that’s almost $100 CDN. It’s a bit much.

I also comfort myself with the knowledge that these indie brands often have sales, yes they might not be as much as the Black Friday sale but are you really saving money when you spend what you don’t have? They might have a Birthday Sale or another Christmas sale, hopefully by the time those sales come around I’ll be able to make a purchase or two.

The good thing about Black Friday sales is that everyone is having a sale at the same time, so you can grab a bunch of brands at one time essentially instead of having to keep an eye out for a possible sale that may or may not happen.

I’ll have to suck it up and ship them to my aunt’s house, and hope that someone comes to visit in February so that I can finally get my hands on my goodies.

Of course there are many main stream companies and brands that are also having Black Friday sales, like Sephora and Ulta. As I mentioned above though I went a wee bit overboard with the 20% Sephora sale so I have to sit any and all sales out. I’m going to try and keep off of social media that day lest I be tempted. Because honestly, truthfully my self-control and self-discipline is a bit weak right now. I fear that I will fall and fall hard.

I have to not so gently remind myself that I want and need to pick up some winter gear, and I don’t want to do that with makeup debt hanging over my head. 

At the end of the day, you have to do what works best for you. I desire to be financially sound more than I desire makeup. Now I just have to tell myself that everyday .

Do you have big plans for Black Friday, which brands are you looking to make a purchase from