The Stack | To All The Books I've Read This Year-2018

The Stack | To All The Books I've Read This Year-2018

Let me begin by saying it won't be all of the books that I've read this year. I'm a prolific reader and have read quite a bit this year. I want to focus on the books that stood out to me, the ones that I enjoyed and the ones I anticipated. The list might be a bit long, so I'll not to run on too much about each book. You already know that I'm not the best at reviewing books anyway.

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The Stack| Quick Thoughts Nalini Singh Archangels Prophecy

The Stack| Quick Thoughts Nalini Singh Archangels Prophecy

Oh my gosh. I’m in shock and actually quite dismayed. I just finished reading Nalini Singh’s new book Archangels Prophecy. It’s a punch to the gut and the worst cliff-hanger possible. This book was simply a roller-coaster, I had no idea what was coming next. Why was Elena getting weaker, which symptom would be next, where is this all heading?

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Year in Review | Favourite Books and Authors of 2017

Year in Review | Favourite Books and Authors of 2017

Books have been a pleasure for me this year. I didn’t write as many review posts as I would have liked to and I promise I will do better on that in 2018. One of the stand out posts for me this year was about what a well written book looks like to me, and though as I mentioned already I didn’t write nearly as many reviews as I should have, the year was still full of literature that kept me entertained and even a bit in my feelings.

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Books| My Fave's from Shelly Laurenston

Books| My Fave's from Shelly Laurenston

So I usually post a book review, on this last Sunday. However I haven’t read any new books that compelled me to write a review about them. Instead I’ve been revisiting books from one of my fave authors Shelly Laurenston. I’ve mentioned her a few times here and here. So I’m dedicating this post to a few of my favourite books that she’s written, through all of her various series.

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Reading Binge

Reading Binge

So for the past few weeks I've been binge reading books from the author Kathy Barton. I have a love hate relationship with her books. Her story lines are pretty unique and her catalog varied but there are sometimes gaps and jumps that simply make no sense in her books. Characters will do random things that seem to occur just to prolong the story line even though it's not necessary. It seems that she wants the story to go a certain way and does an abrupt lane change to make it happen. 

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Book Review | Born of Legend

Book Review | Born of Legend

If you enjoy the Fantasy/ Sci- Fi genre and haven’t read a Sherrilyn Kennyon book, then you’ve been missing out. I will say upfront that she takes her characters through the ringer. They tend to experience pain and heartache on a whole other level, sometimes I do find it a bit hard to read. This is the ninth/tenth? book in the Born of Series, I’ve read pretty much all of them, I think.

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Notables of 2016 | Books

Notables of 2016 | Books

I’ve read quite a few books this year, which doesn’t come as a surprise to me, reading is one of my favourite things to do when I have free time. I can’t articulate just why I enjoy reading so much, maybe I’m just a nosy person. After all reading does take into you the lives of other people, it tells you their stories and adventures. Their successes and triumphs and also their failures. Even if it’s all just a tall tale.

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Book Review | ArchAngel's Heart

Book Review | ArchAngel's Heart

When I first heard about this book, I was pretty excited. I’ve read the other eight books in the series and enjoyed them immensely, even though I initially thought I would hate them.

With this one I was certain what to expect, I just knew that I didn’t want anyone that I liked to die, and you can imagine that after eight books their are just a few characters that I like and would prefer stayed alive. It felt a little bit  suspenseful to me because I kept expecting death. Not the best mindset to be in when reading but that was where I was at.

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Book Review | Dragon On Top - G.A. Aiken

Book Review | Dragon On Top - G.A. Aiken

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Shelly Laurenston aka G.A Aiken is one of my favourite writers.

If you’ve never read any of the books that she’s written under her pseudonym  G.A Aiken, you’re missing out. Heck if you’ve never read any of her books you’re missing out. I find the plot and the characters to to be well developed.

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