The Joy of a Well Written Book

good reading

good reading

Patricia Briggs, Nailini Singh and Shelly Laurenson. Three of my favourite authors. They write stories that compel me, that get me invested in the lives of their characters, I want to know everything that is happening to them even after the book has finished.

Even though I generally don’t re-read books I found that this past year I’ve re-read almost all of the ebooks I have from each of these authors.

I feel like I can’t quite get the words out. I am an avid romance reader, not necessarily the bodice ripping, and graceful swooning type, but I like my romance and tend to pick books that are in that vein.

These authors do an excellent job of weaving romance, and character development into their stories, even has larger events are happening in the novel.

When I want to read a book that has depth and can truly satisfy  the hungry reader within me, there books meet that need each and every time I pick them up. Whether they be a novella, a compilation of short stories or a complete novel, they always hit the spot.

If you are a food connoisseur, then you know that the pinnacle of a great meal, is being able to enjoy every well seasoned bite, to lament the closing of the meal and the desire for just a little bit more.

To me this is the essence of a great book, to be so invested in the pages that every word has impact and meaning, and though you enjoyed the process of reading and getting to know the characters in an intimate way, that blank page the signals the end of book always leaves you a little frustrated.

Each author is able to craft a complex world, that is surprising easy to immerse yourself in. All three write along the paranormal or fantasy spectrum, which sometimes means that the author has to build an intricate overly detailed new world, yet somehow these authors make comprehending the mechanics of their new world quite easy.

Have you ever read a book so good, that when you’re remembering certain parts, it seems as if it was your memory instead of something you read, something that was at it’s heart designed to entertain you but has instead left a piece of itself in you. Weaving and intermingling in the various thoughts and images that swirl through your mind.

That my friend is the power of a book that has been written well.