The Stack | Books Recap

The Stack | Books Recap

It's been a while, since I've talked books with you guys. I've been craving good books the way you crave good food. You know when you want something that is substantial that you can really sink your teeth into, that's what I've been wanting from my books. Unfortunately my favourite author's can't write new stories as fast I read their new books.

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In Review | What I've Been Reading

In Review | What I've Been Reading

So I was all set to do some book reviews, and I still will but the amount of books that I have to review as grown and grown. It started with 6 and now its well more.

I will say that the list build up because of procrastination, had I typed up and published the initial 6 books that I originally planned to review it wouldn't have been so bad, but I kept reading and kept not writing the reviews and so here I am with a good 15-20 books that I've read and enjoyed

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Books I've Re-Read

Books I've Re-Read

Typically I don’t re-read books, but so far this year I’ve been on a journey where I’ve re-read a good 10 or so books that I’ve read in past years. I’ve been reading them in binges almost, focusing more on the author than the series if that makes sense.

I started with Lora Leigh, I really enjoyed her Breeds series the first time I read through, however upon reading some of them again, I found that they seem fixated on just one aspect, the characters weren’t really able to develop because the focal point was really just the sex. Some of the stories are better than others, there are one or two where it seems that the characters do nothing else but sleep together or fight about sleeping together.

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