Book Review | ArchAngel's Heart

When I first heard about this book, I was pretty excited. I’ve read the other eight books in the series and enjoyed them immensely, even though I initially thought I would hate them.

With this one I was certain what to expect, I just knew that I didn’t want anyone that I liked to die, and you can imagine that after eight books their are just a few characters that I like and would prefer stayed alive. It felt a little bit  suspenseful to me because I kept expecting death. Not the best mindset to be in when reading but that was where I was at.

I’m happy to say that there were no deaths that involved any of my favoured characters, though I wouldn’t have been upset if a few other people had been given the ol’ heave oh. The ending of this book did leave me smiling though. It wasn’t what I expected but it was played out well in the plot.

What Happened?:

There weren’t any parts of the story or plot line that left me scratching my head. Every thread that was woven into the story was accounted for, none got dropped or forgotten. Which I think is pretty awesome. To write a story that is so tight, that there are no dead ends. I have said it before but Nalini Singh is a great story teller and writer.

Oh I found one. It’s not integral to the story but I’m nosy and want to know all things. There’s a scene where a General from Archangel Neha’s territory sent Mahiya (who is Neha’s neice) a gift, its said that when the Cadre meeting is over then the gift will be passed on to Elena to deliver safely to Mahiya. There’s no mention of the gift or what it was after this scene. What happened? 

Favourite Part(s):

My favourite parts tend to be when Elena is strapping on her weapons. She’s just a bad ass. I love a story that allows the lead female protagonist to be strong and skilled without taking away from her being a woman. Elena is not one dimensional, in that though she is a warrior she still feels fear and is able to express the fear without being portrayed as weak or less than.

Raphael is her love interest but she doesn’t fade into the background or forget her training when in a scene with him, as happens with many female leads. I love that her character has such an analytical mind, and is able to while still experiencing  emotional and turbulent feelings make logical and clear decisions.

Favourite Quote:

‘Come one Archangel, I think you need some air.’ ‘Sire, she has only eaten two energy bars today.’ Elena’s jaw fell open. Swivelling to face Aodhan, she said, ‘Did you just nark on me?"

Looking Forward to:

I’ve already read the Psy-Changeling anthology that came out earlier in September. However she does have a book expected in Summer 2017 called the Silver Silence, though it takes place in the Psy-Changeling landscape is its own story arc. When I first read the title of the book I thought it would be about Kaleb’s assistant names Silver and after reading the excerpt it turns out that I’m right, It’s got bears!, So excited. Looking forward to reading this book and seeing where this new series goes.

Final Thoughts:

I enjoyed this book, as I expected I would. The pace was a bit slower than some of the previous battle ridden books in the series however it was a great read. I'm looking forward to what is next in theArchAngels series.