Polish and Melanin | Another Haul Post

Nail polish, speaks louder than words
— anon

So this was supposed to be be a post about the twenty nail polishes that I was gonna wear this spring and summer. Unfortunately the words just wouldn't come. I took some great photos but alas the spring summer nail polish was still stuck on its second paragraph. 

new nail polish haul from winners

New Polish

New goodies from Winners

Then I went to my favourite place, if you guessed Winners you would be right. There I saw Marc Jacobs polishes and some Deborah Lippmann and I was inspired. 

So this post is essentially a haul post about nail polish because of course I needed more nail polish. Can you detect the sarcasm?

So I picked up this beautiful soft green pistachio colour, I walked away from it before but this time I wasn't going to let it go. It reminds me a bit of the Kathleen Lights KL polish pistachio ice cream. I haven't worn it yet but I'm hoping that the application is as beautiful as it looks. 

I couldn't walk by this gorgeous purple shade that has a slight gold shift to it. It's a shimmer polish but the shimmer is very smooth. I do like Zoya polishes and always try to pick up the shades that I'm drawn too. 

Last up are the Marc Jacobs polishes. I ended up just grabbing 3 because unfortunately my pockets weren't as deep as I would have liked. So I choose the 3 that appealed to me the most. All of them are pretty shimmery with hints of glitter. First up is this beautiful shimmery blue green, the colour is vibrant, rich and just gorgeous. I then picked up what looks to me to be a bronzey, purple polish. I honestly don't know how to describe it. To me it looks like it leans a bit towards the rose gold family but warmer and deeper. Last up is one that I would describe as pink rosy toned shimmer polish, with a bit of copper. The glitter is more apparent in this shade when applied to the fingers.

Have you picked up any new polishes lately? What did you grab?