Polish and Melanin | Winter Nail Care

Your nails say everything about you
— Tammy Taylor

Dry itchy hands with brittle nails. Sound familiar? Well it does to me, because in the winter time that’s usually the state of my hands.

With the harsh cold hair outside and the dry warm air inside, our hands experience some drastic environments. This year I’ve done better by my hands, I always make sure to have some hand cream in my hand bag when I go out, both for myself and any family that needs it. As well as having some by my bed side, I don’t want to have to trek far when my hands start itching.

In addition to my hands are my nails, they tend to grow fast and are usually pretty strong, but low iron has caused some damage. They tend to split more and are more prone to pressure breaks. I’ve been taking both nail vitamins and iron, working to improve my overall health, because well it’s important.

The hands along with the feet are the work horses of the body, taking care of them and making sure they are in good working order is vital. My mom always says that prevention is better than cure. So I work now to prevent any future issues. ( I know that this is coming from the girl who still doesn’t work out as often as she needs to, don’t worry I’m on it.)

In winter one of the key areas is moisture and maintaining that moisture, like I said I use a lot of hand lotion to moisturize and help when my skin gets dry. To amp up the moisture and softness of your hands you could also wear cotton gloves to bed. I don’t tend to do this just because it feels uncomfortable to me and I end up taking them off sometime in the night, that is If I’m somehow able to fall asleep with them on.

Feet are probably the most forgotten body part, I know that I don’t always think of them. I don’t suffer from dry itchy feet, but sometimes my heels can get dry and have some dead skin built up on them. I personally like to use a pumice stone in the shower to rub my heels and remove all the build up, doing this a couple times of week helps to drastically reduce the dryness in my heels.

When I’m walking around in my home I always have on slippers, one because there comfy and cozy and keep my feet warm, they also help to protect your feet and help prevent your heels from drying out. Like wearing gloves to bed helps to keep your hands soft and moisturized wearing socks to bed does the same for your feet.

What are you doing to keep your hands and feet soft and moisturized?