Year in Review | 2017 Favourite Moments

2017 Moments | EDIT Toronto

Overall I would say that 2017 treated me well. It definitely had it’s down moments, but I would say that there were more high points than low ones.

I’m starting at the end but one of my favourite moments of the 2017 was meeting up with my old team from my last job. It had been more than a year and half since we’d all been together. Many of us are at different places now in different cities so it’s hard to see one another and keep connected. It was a cold snowy night as we all sat down for dinner, the conversation was lively and full of laughter as we got caught up on what was going on each other’s life. There was lots of reminiscing about the good ol’days, but change is inevitable. It was such a good night, as we left we made plans to connect again in 2018, I’m already excited to see everyone again. It was a high point for sure.

This year has been a year of family moments. I’ve been to 3 graduations, it was just amazing to see my siblings succeeding and moving towards their dreams and goals. One of these graduations resulted in an epic trip. It was my first cross country trek, we drove from Toronto to Halifax, in 2 days, to see my brother. Not something I ever thought I would say, I figured I would fly but driving was nice too. As we drove through Quebec and New Brunswick It was nice to see some of the companies that I’d dealt with in the past. Time was short so we didn’t spend too much time site seeing, though we did take a trip out into the Halifax Harbour.

2017 Moments | Cherry Blossom in Yorkville

My brother was part of a fashion show where he had models walking the runway in his collection, clothing that he had designed and sewed. So it was great being their to support him, it was also nice just to see him and catch up a bit. All in all it was a great adventure.

Back at home, I made a few visits down town with friends and explored new neighbourhoods and areas. One trip was an art installation in an old warehouse called Edit. It had 3 floors of various booths, projections and interactive displays. I sat in a Tesla, learned about fish farming and explored a Micky Mouse house. My favourite was the Great Gulf Homes installation that had 100 pine saplings in test tubes hanging in the air. It was beautiful.

2017 Moments | On the way home with this little one

I also visited Yorkville area with my bestie. We visited our first Ordinary Store at Bloor Station and perused the designer stores that the lined the streets, Louis Vutton, Holt Renfrew etc. After that we made our way down Younge street and headed to the Eaton Centre where we drooled over Ted Baker clothing and coats. It was a beautiful summer day and it was well spent.

As I mentioned before many of these moments revolve around family and friends . Time spent connecting and socializing. As much as I love to spend time by myself, I really enjoy time spent with family. It grounds me and helps me to see what’s truly important. Hanging out with my niece, visiting my grandpa and catching up with a long lost aunt who I hadn’t seen in years while also exploring the city of Hamilton, are some moments that I cherished.

2017 Moments | Yorkville with the Bestie

Watching my niece grow is a joy and pleasure, though she’s young you can see her unique personality developing. She’s such a character, you can already see that she has strong opinions about certain things.

Rounding out my top moments this year is a big one. I got a job. For the past year or so I’ve been looking for new employment  and I finally found a place or rather they found me. The events regarding my journey to employment are a testimony that I’ll share at another time. Needless to say it’s been quite a relief to get this position and I thank God for it.

These are the moments that made my year. What moments are you looking back at in 2017?