Movies That I’m Looking Forward To Watching This Year

Movies That I’m Looking Forward To Watching This Year

Movies are not typically things that I get excited about, I mean I enjoy watching them but for the most part I’m just not interested in most of what is being produced. I don’t like horror movies and romantic comedies are just as badHowever, they’re are a few movies that are coming out that I’m looking forward to watching. I’m not expounding on what  the plot of the movies are I’m just expressing why I’m interested or excited about this movie.

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Melanin and Makeup | Rethinking My ‘I’m Not Gonna Buy It’

Melanin and Makeup | Rethinking My ‘I’m Not Gonna Buy It’

As a makeup and skin care lover, I use social media a lot to stay up to date with new launches, sales and even restocks. There are three types of products I often see, the ones that I know I want, the wants that get a quick pass and the ones that linger over knowing that I don’t need it but still kinda want it.

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Books I’m Looking Forward to Reading

Books I’m Looking Forward to Reading

Sometimes I read the excerpts of new books that are coming out and I get so excited for, I just can’t wait till it launches and becomes available. Sometimes the wait is short maybe a month or two and other times it could be a year or so, and then there are those few times where the promised book never materializes.

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