New Skin Care | Product Update

Invest in your skin, it’s going to represent you for a very long time
— Linden Tyler
new skin care product update

In recent months I’ve added quite a few new skin care products to my arsenal. I still haven’t been able to test and use everything yet, just because I want to do my due diligence and make sure that everything I’m using works well with my skin. It makes no sense to pile on a ton of different products and then have no idea which product is breaking me when I get a reaction, or If I see great changes in my skin but aren’t able to pinpoint which product brought about the change. So I add the products one at a time over a period of weeks ( lies, sometimes I’ll add another product quickly after if the first one doesn’t cause me to get a reaction)

Here are a few products that i’ve been trying out, some have worked great, others not so much.

Hylamide High- Efficiency Face Cleanser

I wasn’t too sure about this cleanser when I first tried it, it felt too oily and it didn’t rinse well. I kept using it though and now I love it. I use it as a first cleanser when I’m wearing makeup and it does a great job of removing my makeup, I deal with the oily residue feeling by washing my face in the shower, this way I can get a lot of water onto my face at one time which helps. I like to take some in my palm and rub it in my hands for a good 30 seconds or so, not sure why but I feel like it just spreads nicely when it’s a little warmed up, I then massage it all over my face and follow up by rinsing it off. I have no regrets with this purchase and actually want to try out the NIOD version, that can wait for a bit though.

J.One Jelly Cleanser

After my SU:M37 cleansing stick this has become my go to cleanser. I use it as a gentle cleanser in the morning and as a second cleanse at night if I’m wearing makeup, if I have no makeup on then I just use it by itself. It’s a clear gel with a smooth texture that becomes slippery when water is added. I’ve been using it for about four months now and I’ve had no problems at all with it. It’s not strong enough to use by itself if you’re wearing makeup, you need the help of another cleanser. My thoughts haven’t changed much from my initial review back in November.

Goodal Barrier Fresh Cream

I wanted to love this cream and I wanted this cream to love me, however it doesn’t seem like our relationship is going to work out. Anytime I use this cream I end up with small bumps and a few breakouts. The last time I used it there was little to no itching so I’m not certain if my skin is becoming used to it, if that’s even possible but I’m going to try it out a bit more, if it still doesn’t work for me then I might use it has a hand cream before bed or something. I do love that this cream though rich and thick absorbs quickly into my skin and doesn’t leave any residue, nor does it make my skin look shiny or oily. I hope we can work something out.

NIOD Sanskrit Saponins

This guy was on my buy list for so long so I was thrilled to finally get my hands on it. My skin however wasn’t too thrilled the first time I tried it. It was itchy on my skin and left what felt like a film on it. I had to use another cleanser to remove my cleanser. Since this isn’t meant to be used as a makeup remover, whenever I used it I had to use three cleansers. Lately though it’s been working a bit better with my skin, there’s no itchiness, no film or residue. I was able to use it like a face mask for the first time and I didn’t suffer any adverse effects. This guy is still under review but so far I’m glad that my skin isn’t completely at odds with it.

NIOD Multi-Molecular Hyaluronic Complex

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this serum, usually with hyaluronic acid serums, you get that almost over moisturized feeling. I didn’t find that with this guy. The most surprising thing about this serum to me, is the texture. It looks like water in the dropper but when you rub it between your palms it feels like it’s oil but not something greasy, it’s just a bit more viscous than water. This applies nicely and absorbs quickly into my skin leaving no residue or film. It’s great to apply products on top of. My skin feels softer and more moisturized when I use it but not excessively so, which is great since I have oily skin and don’t want to overdo the moisture.

Elizavecea CF 97% B-Jo Serum

This serum I can’t yet give a full review on, I purchased it mainly for the brightening components it claimed to have, so far after using it for a couple of weeks I haven’t really seen much of a change in my skin. I don’t use it everyday though so it’ll probably take a bit longer for any of the benefits to really take effect. I do like the texture of this serum and I love that it absorbs quickly and easily into my skin. I tend to use it on top of the Hyaluronic acid serum as they both leave my skin looking matte and not shiny or oily. It does have a fragrance, it’s not too bad and doesn’t linger but it’s not very subtle.

Have you tried any of these products? If not, which one would you try if you could?