Thoughts and Reasonings | Skin Care Guilty Pleasures

Thoughts and Reasonings | Skin Care Guilty Pleasures

Do you ever find yourself buying the same type of product over and over again. One or two would do the job, but yet somehow you find yourself making the purchase for this item or that item multiple times. It may be a different brand, different packaging or even a different formula but the job it does still remains the same.There are certain skincare items that I gravitate to more than others.

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Thoughts and Reasonings | Engaging and Cultivating Your Passion

Thoughts and Reasonings | Engaging and Cultivating Your Passion

I never thought of myself has a passionate person, in fact I often felt that I lacked passion. I’ve come to realize though that I express my passion in different ways. I’m not consumed and obsessed with one subject or area of interest, instead I’m obsessed with many.  I don’t multi-task though, I focus on one area of interest at a time, but I tell you I give a great deal of my attention to the subject of the moment.

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Thoughts and Reasonings | 10 Financial Tips for the New Year

Thoughts and Reasonings | 10 Financial Tips for the New Year

The start of a new year is usually when we all evaluate our finances and say that we’re going to do better, that we’re going to make some changes. Sometimes the things that make the most sense are the things we avoid doing.I’ve spoken to a few of my friends and colleagues and got their advice on how they improved their finances, so I’ve complied the tips they’ve given me. Some of these you may agree with some you may not, these are things that they tried and found worked great for them.

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Thoughts and Reasonings | Why I Love Makeup

Thoughts and Reasonings | Why I Love Makeup

Let me begin by saying that I’m not trying to justify myself. I don’t think that I  need to justify myself. I know and understand the reasons why I wear makeup.

My relationship with makeup is free from drama and weighty expectations. I didn’t wear makeup in high school and only started experimenting with it in my last year of college and that was really only for my grad photo. I don’t have a complicated relationship with it though, it’s a relationship that is full of self-discovery and growth.

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Short Reasonings |Thoughts become things..choose the good ones

Short Reasonings |Thoughts become things..choose the good ones
“As he thinketh in his heart, so is he”

— Proverbs 23:7


I’m sure that you’ve heard it said a hundred and one times that you need to think positive thoughts, but it really is so true. We need the reminder though because it’s so easy to get lost in a sea of negative thoughts and feelings.

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One Word, One Year | Breakthrough

One Word, One Year | Breakthrough

I had a word for the year for my vision planner that I started working on in December. Cori at the ResetGirl is a big fan of having a word that represents your year, so when I heard the work Breakthrough, it just resonated with me.

Breakthrough is defined as a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development or an instance of achieving success in a particular sphere or activity

I want to achieve success in particular areas of my life and in certain activities.

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Four things that can Improve your Morning Routine

Four things that can Improve your Morning Routine

I prefer to be punctual as matter of fact I pretty much insist on it. Unless I’m going to a function held by Caribbean's then I try to be late but still somehow end up being early. I know my bus routes, not just the time the bus is supposed to come but also the times that it should reach this intersection and that street. If for some reason the bus is behind schedule I get concerned, because I need the bus to on time so that I can catch my connection bus. 

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The Development of Style and Embracing the Commonality of it all

The Development of Style and Embracing the Commonality of it all

Sometimes there is so much pressure to be unique and to find your own style that if you like the things that seem main stream you feel like your selling out or something.

I will admit that I hate being cookie cutter I don’t want to look the same as other people, in the sense that I don’t want to walk down the street and see multiple people wearing the same exact thing I am, yes it does happen not to me but I’ve seen it.

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