One Word, One Year | Breakthrough

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking – William B Sprague

I had a word for the year for my vision planner that I started working on in December. Cori at the ResetGirl is a big fan of having a word that represents your year, so when I heard the work Breakthrough, it just resonated with me.

Breakthrough is defined as a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development or an instance of achieving success in a particular sphere or activity

I want to achieve success in particular areas of my life and in certain activities.

There are a lot of things that I’m looking to break through this year. For a while now I’ve felt constrained, like I’m trapped in a too tight box. I know that some of this is limitations that I placed on myself, some of it is fear and some of it is following the suggestions and leading of other people.

It sounds a bit cliché to say that you want to step out of your comfort zone, but truthfully that is what I want to do. The box is my comfort zone, I can function within but I want more. Part of my reason for creating this blog was to push myself to do things, to live life and not sit back content to go on as usual.

So this is year I want to break through my barriers, my insecurities, and my fears. Things that I wouldn’t have considered doing because it wasn’t me will now be revised before I make that assessment. I want more from myself and I want more from life.

This, is easier said than done but baby steps. Rome wasn’t built in a day and I won’t suddenly become the life of the party but as long as I show up to the party I’m okay. Because before times I wouldn’t have ever considered even going to the party.

My hopes for this year are that I would stop dreaming and start doing. I have a ton of ideas regarding things that I want to make and do but I let my feelings and my mood dictate what happens. I have control of the direction my goes and I need to direct myself accordingly whether I feel like it or not.