The Development of Style and Embracing the Commonality of it all

Sometimes there is so much pressure to be unique and to find your own style that if you like the things that seem main stream you feel like you’re selling out or something.

Kate spade  inspired office decor

Kate spade  inspired office decor

I will admit that I hate being cookie cutter I don’t want to look the same as other people, in the sense that I don’t want to walk down the street and see multiple people wearing the same exact thing I am, yes it does happen not to me but I’ve seen it.

Funny enough though for my personal style I find that I can’t define it. I’m often told that I look nice and that my outfit is cute but I don’t find any outstanding elements to it. It just feels like a jumble.

This year I said to myself that I’m going to play more with my clothes and the accessories that I have, lately it seems like the colour has just been fading out of my life and the things that I used to take pleasure in don’t seem to hold me the same way anymore.

I’ve also decided that I’m going to embrace what I like, if it happens that tons of other people like the same aesthetic then so be it. 

Yes I like the Kate Spade look, and soft pink peony’s and things that would be termed pretty and cute. I like it. Just looking at images that contain these elements is enough to bring up my mood and stir me creatively.

So yes, at the end of the day I may look like one of the masses but I feel inspired and that is what I need right now in my life. Inspiration, creativity and pretty things. 

Sometimes it seems that there are so many variations, do you have a Classic style, is your style Boho, are you chic, are you Boho-chic? Sometimes a person is just wearing the clothes they like, putting on the jewelry and shoes that suits their mood. Their aim and desire isn’t so fit into a specific category but to simple look good and feel good about the way they look.

I’ve often asked my friends and even my co-workers how they would describe my style, I generally get Classic, chic or just pretty. Which is fine by me, the Kate Spade aesthetic lends itself to that chic and pretty look. Thinking about it though, mentally my aim when I dress is minimalism. Now you wouldn’t think that by looking at me, I don’t live in a strict colour palette of black, white and neutrals as some minimalists might, my skin tone does justice to bright colours, soft pastel colours and neutrals it would be a shame to limit myself that way. Sorry I’m rambling.

As I was saying, mentally I put my outfit with simplicity in mind. Yes I do want to feel and look feminine I just don’t want to overdo it. My frame is petite and my face very youthful so I have to straddle the line between this is comfortable, but I still look like a grown woman.

My point in all of this is just to say that my style is in flux and might just stay that way. I’ve got a bit of this style and a bit of that style all mixed in so it doesn’t fit into a standard category, but isn’t off the wall or avant garde. It’s just me with a bit of Kate thrown in.

Isn’t that what we want our style to be though, us with a bit of whatever influence tossed into the mix?