You Should Know | Shop Miss A - Empty Magnetic Palette

You Should Know | Shop Miss A - Empty Magnetic Palette

This might be the beginning of a new series here on my blog or maybe it’ll be a one off. Either way the idea behind is it simply. I talk about something I think you should know. The first item or product that I want to discuss comes from the online store Shop Miss A, I’d head bits and pieces about this shop but I never really paid it any mind. It just wasn’t something I was interested in.  That is until one day back in May when I was watching a video by Le Pocket Change.

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5 Eyeshadow Bases for Vibrant Long Lasting Colour

5 Eyeshadow Bases for Vibrant Long Lasting Colour

Due to the oily nature of my eyelids I always use an eyeshadow primer, and by primer I don’t mean concealer, cause that doesn’t cut it. Sometimes though my primer might need a little help bringing out the best that a shadow as to offer. So I’ve made a small list of 5 products that I use to bring out vibrancy in my shadows.

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5 Beauty Tips and Tricks

5 Beauty Tips and Tricks

When you do something often you tend to over time find some short cuts or combinations that make your life or routine just a little bit easier. There are plenty of posts and video's out there filled with tips and hacks, some of them are good and some of them seem too convoluted and complex to actually qualify as a tip or a hack.

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