Polish and Melanin | Confessions and 12 Holiday Colour Suggestions

Polish and Melanin | Confessions and 12 Holiday Colour Suggestions

Okay, I have a confession to make. I’ve become slightly just slightly obsessed with nail polishes. And by that I mean buying nail polishes not necessarily wearing them, though I have been making more of an effort to wear them. I hate to feel like I wasted all that money just so I could have some colourful polishes sitting in a drawer.

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Holiday Joys - 10 Things I love about the Holidays

Holiday Joys - 10 Things I love about the Holidays

The idea for this post came about because I was looking at my empty glass of eggnog, and I thought , it's something Christmasy that I like.

So I've compiled a short list of things that bring me holiday joy.

I will start out by saying that I love this time of year, not because of the presents but because of the ambiance, the atmosphere. It's as if there is literally something in the air. It just feels warm and cozy and nice. It could just be me though.

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Holiday Love

Holiday Love

Now I’m not the best at getting gifts for people, sometimes I might be right on the money and other times the gifts sit collecting dust in a corner. I prefer getting them things that I know they want, lets say there in need of some new headphones, I can purchase their favourite brand, easy peasy. These are just some items I’ve come across that might make a good gift for someone, like yourself. Who knows maybe I’ll buy one or two of these myself.

Anyhow happy shopping.

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