Skincare Question | How Would I Use Multiple Acids in my Skin Care Routine?

Skincare Question | How Would I Use Multiple Acids in my Skin Care Routine?

Chemical exfoliants are becoming quite popular, and with that popularity the range of exfoliants available has grown. They all seem interesting and could possibly be a great addition to your skincare routine, but what do you do when you want to purchase more than one? Does it make sense to have a routine that contains multiple chemical exfoliants in it?

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Skin Care | Winter Routine

Skin Care | Winter Routine

With the change in weather one of the obvious changes that we often make is to our skincare. Our face tends to be the one thing that is exposed to the elements all the time. Whether you are braving the cold weather while waiting at a bus stop or commuting in your car, your skin will feel it. If it’s not the cold bracing winds then it’s the dry heated air, either way your skin ends up the loser.

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Skincare Sunday | What I Want to Purchase

Skincare Sunday | What I Want to Purchase

I’m by no means a skincare junkie, though I do really enjoy researching and trying new products. Some of the products that I currently use are running low and though they worked fine, I do want to try some new things that I’ve come across. Some of these have been on my to buy list for the last year or so and I’ve put them in my cart multiple times, I’ve just never committed to purchasing them. It mostly came down to price not a lack of interest or suitability.

I’ve got a mostly cleansers on my list, these are the products that I really can’t live without. I need to properly remove all of the sunscreen and makeup that I’ve worn, and if it was an I didn’t leave my house all day kind of day then I still need to remove the oily layer that my skin has developed. No joke, sometimes I’ve gotten so oily that If I rub my eyes it’s enough to cause irritation.

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Chemical Exfoliation

Chemical Exfoliation

For some months now I’ve wanted to write a post about exfoliation, not your basic use a sugar scrub or face cloth exfoliation, but exfoliation that can make a difference in your skin care.

You have two types, physical and chemical. Don’t worry chemical exfoliation isn’t as scary as it may sound.

Chemical exfoliants or Acids as they may be called, can do great things for your skin. If you suffer from Acne then they can be a great asset to help manage break outs and to also deal with the after math of the break out. If you don’t have acne then chemical exfoliants can help to smooth the surface of your skin and minimize the size of your pores.

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