Chemical Exfoliation

Chemical and Physical exfoliation and mini curated post


For some months now I’ve wanted to write a post about exfoliation, not your basic use a sugar scrub or face cloth exfoliation, but exfoliation that can make a difference in your skin care.

You have two types, physical and chemical. Don’t worry chemical exfoliation isn’t as scary as it may sound.

Chemical exfoliants or Acids as they may be called, can do great things for your skin. If you suffer from Acne then they can be a great asset to help manage break outs and to also deal with the after math of the break out. If you don’t have acne then chemical exfoliants can help to smooth the surface of your skin and minimize the size of your pores.

However I found that I couldn’t make any headway with the post, so I thought that I would do a curated style post, highlighting the blog posts that I’ve come across that I found informative and full of depth.

Here are the top 2 blog posts that I found break down the benefits of exfoliation in an easy understandable way. ( I did have 3 but I can't for the life of me remember where I saw the post. I should have written it down but silly me I thought I would remember. ) There's still enough information here to get you started on your quest to become more knowledgeable about exfoliation and by that I really mean chemical.


1.       Labmuffin – She has a scientific lean in her writing due to her background. She has a PhD in Chemistry. She broke down her post into a three part series.

a.       How To Exfoliate 1: All About Physical Exfoliants

b.      How To Exfoliate 2: All About Chemical Exfoliants

c.       How To Exfoliate 3: Choosing The Right Exfoliants

2.       Just About Skin – She also has a background in Science and has broken down her posts into a four part series.

a.       Exfoliation Part 1 – The Benefits & Methods of Exfoliation

b.      Exfoliation Part 2 – A Close Look At Chemical Exfoliation

c.       Exfoliation Part 3: Over Exfoliating, Risks & Precautions

d.      Exfoliation Part 4: The Finer Points of Exfoliation

When I come across more posts that I think are informative and well written I'll do another curated mini list, and yes this time I will make note of the blog :)

Talk soon,
