Holiday Memories- My First Christmas

My earliest holiday Memory is when I was about 6 years old, it was my first Christmas. 

I was born in Jamaica and wasn't aware of this thing called Christmas until I came to Canada when I was 6. 

That year my mom and dad went all out with Christmas, the tree, the tree skirt, lights and of course presents. This may not seem strange to you but for my parents who grew up in the country in Jamaica, Christmas wasn't something that was elaborate or fancy. It's a tropical country so there celebrations are done very differently.

When I was 6 was the first time I had ever become aware of snow, how cold and wet it felt and how much fun it was to dive into. My siblings and I had tons of fun building snow forts and snow balls. It was a great introduction to winter.

On Christmas we didn't have a ton of presents but we didn't care we had something under the tree that in itself was great. I remember us racing to the tree excited about our presents, I don't remember if we woke up super early, I have a feeling we did. If we woke up early for Saturday morning cartoons, I'm certain that we were up bright and early for Christmas.

The main thing I remember getting was this christmas bath towel that had a mouse with Santa, I love mice, I think they are adorable. Getting this towel might have influenced me heavily in that thinking. I kept that towel till it was in tatters, for years I used it and when I was too big for it, I kept it tucked away.

It's such a simple thing but every time I remember that first Christmas morning I smile. It was such a fun, innocent time then.

What's your first holiday memory?