5 Ways to Prepare your wardrobe for fall

fall basics

As much as I love summer and I do love summer, there is just something about fall that I love just as much. Perhaps it is the fresh, crisp, new feeling in the air that accompanies the season, or a cool (see what I did there) opportunity to switch my closet around in order to sport some trendy fall fashion. 

In this post, I share five things I do with my closet or wardrobe that make the transition between lighter summer clothes and heavier fall clothes a smooth transition. 

Step One – Pack Away Summer Clothes

The first thing I do is pack away all the light flow summer stuff, as I need to make room for the bulkier sweaters and jackets, pieces that attribute to the cozy nature of fall. I like to pack my stuff in suitcases (yes that is plural) along with scent sachets folded between the layers of clothes. Scent sachets are a great way to ensure that your summer clothes do not smell musty when you take them out next year.

Step Two – Air Out and Organize Fall Clothes

Next, I air out my fall clothes before hanging them ever so gently in my closet, which I know will be stuffed to the brim…what can I say, I am a clothes hound and a hoarder. I digress, back to what I was saying, I air my clothes out, and then organize them into sections: light weight sweaters, heavy sweaters, cardigans, under shirts etc. This also allows me to become familiar once more with what I have, which will make the next step, Inventory, much easier. It is during this step that I take the time to take care of any repairs and cleaning that may be needed.

FAll REady ..

FAll REady ..

Step Three – Do Inventory

After airing out my clothes and organizing them, I like to take stock of how many pieces I have and the quality of the pieces. Was that chunky sweater really warm last year, or was it bulky and uncomfortable under my coat? Do the pieces I have fit the look and style that I want for this year? Maybe last year I had a lot of pink but now I’m really into dark greens and burgundies. The thing with personal style is that it is constantly evolving. Perhaps the pink I had last year just doesn’t work for me anymore. The key with this third step is to assess the clothes I currently have and to see how they can work for me.

Step Four – Trial Runs

Next, I like to style a couple looks in order to see how they look, how they feel together, and whether or not they still fit me. From this I determine what pieces do not make the cut this season, or will need to be replaced. I like doing trial runs, as I find having some outfit ideas ready and in the bag an added bonus for the mornings and evenings when inspiration is slow.

Step Five – Make a Fall Buy or Wish List

The final thing I like to do is to keep the pieces I currently have in mind, and then make a buy or a wish list for the fall pieces that I want to purchase. In doing so, I might find that I don’t really need another chunky sweater since I already have 8 perfectly good ones in my closet, but might need a new fall jacket and some warmer boots. Making the list helps to better focus my finances and invest in purchases that will last me many seasons to come. 

How do you prepare your wardrobe for Fall, what are some of your tips? Let me know below in the comment section!

Till Next time
